DTV eBook - Mượn Sách Truyện Tiểu Thuyết Văn Học Miễn Phí Tải PRC/PDF/EPUB/AZW

Moby Dick, or the Whale

Tác giả Herman Melville
Bộ sách Tủ Sách Kinh Điển
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Từ khóa Audio book full Herman Melville Novel adventure fiction epic sea story encyclopedic novel

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Moby-Dick still stands as an indisputable literary classic. It is the story of an eerily compelling madman pursuing an unholy war against a creature as vast and dangerous and unknowable as the sea itself. But more than just a novel of adventure, more than an encyclopedia of whaling lore and legend, Moby-Dick is a haunting, mesmerizing, and important social commentary populated with several of the most unforgettable and enduring characters in literature. 

Written with wonderfully redemptive humor, Moby-Dick is a profound and timeless inquiry into character, faith, and the nature of perception. 

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Giá bìa 12.97 $  

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